Thursday, April 7, 2016

Teach You How To Do A Wall Sit

Hi, it’s Drei from BodyFly Fitness and today, I’m going to teach you how to do a wall sit.

The equipment needed is one stationary wall, if you don’t have a stationary wall, you should probably leave the building. Okay, let’s start with your back up against the wall. 

Your shoulders are flat against that wall and your feet should be spaced at shoulder width, not too wide and not too close together.

Next, you’re going to want to slide down the wall and slowly start inching your feet out in front of you. Keep moving your feet out in front of you until you get into a parallel 90 degree sit making sure that your knees are not out in front of your toes.

Once your there, that’s it, hold it for at least 30 second, and build up to 60 seconds or as long as you can go.  Feel free to put your hands on your knees, or move them up to your waist to intensify the exercise. To keep it up a notch in terms of intensity, put your hands behind your head with your elbows against the wall and hold it.

Reflect on your goals while you holding your position or if you have your laptop or Ipad, pop that open and see how many emails you can get through before your legs give out on you.

When you’re done, inch yourself on up and shake your legs out and repeat for another couple of sets
Remember, self-work increases self-worth, stay hydrated, stay present and always remember stay fly!

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