Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Correct Squat Form Without Weights

Hey FlyFamily, it’s Drei and today, I’m going to teach you the correct squat form without weights.

So, today is leg day and it’s all about squats and using the proper form. This tutorial on squats was designed for beginners who need to learn proper form to prevent potential injuries.

So, grab yourself a chair and we are going to do some weightless squats today. The chair is going to help keep your thighs parallel to the ground. We need to keep our knees at a 90 degree angle and go no further to prevent any potential injuries.

Your feet placement is key in doing squats with correct form. You want your feet directly under your hips and shoulder width apart. Now, to do a proper squat you want to make sure that your knees do not go out past your toes, that’s very important as you want to prevent unneeded injuries.

With our hands out in front of us, sink into a bodyweight squat and go all the way down until your butt touches the chair and then come right back up. Repeat this for 10-15 repetitions.

Remember, self-work increases self-worth, stay hydrated, stay present and always remember, stayfly!

BodyFly by Drei

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