Saturday, June 30, 2018

Scientists develop new strategies to discover life beyond earth

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Scientists now think we may be able to detect signs of life on planets beyond our solar system in the next few decades, but to do so new tools and techniques will be required. Researchers from around the world just produced a roadmap to develop the techniques that may finally answer the question of whether we are alone in the Universe.
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The scent of a man: What odors do female blackbuck find enticing in a male?

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

The scent of a man: What odors do female blackbuck find enticing in a male?
At Tal Chhapar, a wildlife sanctuary in the heart of the Thar desert, a strange drama is staged twice every year. In the blistering heat of summer from March to April and the post-monsoon months of September and October, up to a hundred blackbuck males stake out territories on the flat land to entice females to mate with them in a unique assemblage called a lek. Female blackbuck who visit the lek generally spend large amounts of time evaluating males before choosing one as a mate. A large part of this evaluation seems to be based on sniffing -- even when being courted, females are so intent on inspecting odors from the dung piles, that they are often oblivious to the males' antics.
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Is Grilling Healthy? (+ Grilling Recipes)

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Healthy Grilling Recipes

I’m a fan of summer. The beach, the outdoors, more sunshine… not to mention backyard cookouts featuring our favorite mouth-watering BBQ on the grill. While I love any meat slathered in barbecue sauce (I am a Southern girl, after all), grilling recipes don’t always make for the healthiest meal. For one, most of us grill...

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Is Grilling Healthy? (+ Grilling Recipes) was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Friday, June 29, 2018

Lemurs can smell weakness in each other

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Lemurs can smell weakness in each other
Some people watch the competition carefully for the slightest signs of weakness. Lemurs, on the other hand, just give them a sniff. These primates from Madagascar can tell that a fellow lemur is weaker just by the natural scents they leave behind, finds a study on ring-tailed lemurs. The study reveals that getting hurt dampens a lemur's natural aroma, and that males act more aggressively toward scents that smell ''off.''
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Lemurs can smell weakness in each other was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Newly discovered Xenomorph wasp has Alien-like lifecycle

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Newly discovered Xenomorph wasp has Alien-like lifecycle
A student has discovered a new species of wasp, named Xenomorph because of its gruesome parasitic lifecycle that echoes the predatory behavior of the Alien movie franchise monster.
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Newly discovered Xenomorph wasp has Alien-like lifecycle was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Milky Way is rich in grease-like molecules

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Milky Way is rich in grease-like molecules
Our galaxy is rich in grease-like molecules, according to new research. Astronomers used a laboratory to manufacture material with the same properties as interstellar dust and used their results to estimate the amount of 'space grease' found in the Milky Way.
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Milky Way is rich in grease-like molecules was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Homemade Cooling Anti-Itch Spray

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DIY anti-itch spray

Oh summer… how I love thee. With an abundance of fresh veggies at the farmer’s market (not to mention fresh peaches for cobbler) and lots of fun activities to do as a family, summer is almost perfect… Except for the mosquitoes… or the occasional poison ivy… or an itchy peeling sunburn! Of course, homemade bug spray helps ward off most...

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Homemade Cooling Anti-Itch Spray was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

What Is Iodine Used For In The Body

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

What Is Iodine Used For In The BodyI’m often asked what is iodine used for in the body, here’s the answer.

A lot of people often ask about iodine supplementation. They ask about things such as how much and how often. They ask should they supplement with it at all and what is iodine used for in the body?

Vegans often ask can they get iodine through kelp? And, the fact that the oceans are so severely contaminated with radiation and pollutants, is it safe to take supplements?’
There is no question humans need iodine. There’s no doubt that we need iodine to be healthy. And without it, we would be dead so that tells you how important it is.

Is it possible to get the iodine we need from the ocean and what comes from it? Well, now that we have the Fukushima incident and trillions of tons of oil dumped in the oceans, etc. the question is, is it safe to eat out of the ocean?

The answer to that is it is probably safer to eat out of your toilet than to eat out of the ocean nowadays. If we’re going to continue to get iodine in a natural way, we’re going to have to start farming it on dry land.

People ask if kelp is safe, as it is from the ocean and has good iodine content. We are going to have to start farming it on land. To do that we’ll need to have to make lakes, saltwater lakes and grow our own kelp or wakame.

There are lots of sea vegetables. In fact, the only people in the world that we know that have adequate amounts of iodine are Japanese and Koreans. They live according to their traditional lifestyles, and not the ones that have been Westernized.

There’s a well-known brand called Lugol’s solution, 5%. It is a combination of iodine, which is two i’s together which is molecular iodine, and there’s iodide, which is the ionic form of iodine.

These combined is what gives Lugol’s solution. You can either take the drops. You can get it at any compounding pharmacy. You can put four or five drops on your thighs and you’ll watch them absorb quickly.

What is Iodine used for in the Body, see Dr. Lodi Explain in this Video

When they stop absorbing so quickly, you know you’re starting to fill up your iodine tank. Or you can just put it in water and drink it. It doesn’t taste that good, but you can disguise it.

We also have to be careful with iodine because too much of it suppresses thyroid function. If someone were to have Grave’s disease, they would be hyper. It’s an autoimmune condition that’s hyperthyroid.

The easiest and safest way to control it is with excess iodine. Excess iodine will turn down the production of thyroid. It’s important to be careful with the dosage.

People should monitor it subtly, or you can monitor it with temperatures. Taking what we call basal body temperatures. Every morning, you take your temperature for five minutes.

Average that over a five to six-day period, and if you’re less than 97.8, you’re getting hypothyroid. You need to be between 97.8 and 98.6. That’s where you want to be. This is a good way of monitoring it yourself.

Beside Lugol’s, there’s something called Iodoral, which is basically Lugol’s in a pill form. And now, Lugol’s actually has a pill form. These are great ways of getting iodine which we definitely need.

We are all deficient in iodine and we’re all getting too much fluoride, chloride, and bromide. To help improve your health, get rid of baked goods and make sure your water is just water.

Make sure the water you drink has no chloride, fluoride, or any of those other things in it. The less of these poisons you have, and you make sure your iodine tank is topped off, the more you can ensure thyroid health.


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Monday, June 25, 2018

How to Stop Diabetes in its Tracks AND Lose Weight

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

It’s more important now than ever to learn how to stop diabetes in its tracks. Type 2 diabetes is a big deal in America, with almost 10% of the population struggling with it. That’s over 30 million people, and the CDC says that another 84 million have prediabetes. (1) While type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune

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How to Stop Diabetes in its Tracks AND Lose Weight was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

How to Preserve and Display Kids’ Art

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Ways to preserve or display your child's art work

Finding low-clutter toys is a great way to reduce the overwhelming stuff in the house. But any parent will tell you… one thing that can get out of control quickly (but I can’t just toss out) is children’s art. It’s beautiful and important — but it’s everywhere! Art that’s not displayed isn’t being enjoyed, so...

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How to Preserve and Display Kids’ Art was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

168: A Proactive Approach to Aging and Sexual Health and Wellness With HealthWellnessMD

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A Proactive Approach to Aging and Sexual Health and Wellness With HealthWellnessMD

I feel very fortunate get to talk to so many doctors who are changing healthcare for the better. I’m here with Dr. Maryann Prewitt, a functional medicine physician and gynecologist based in Dallas, Texas. You can find her at She’s going to introduce us to a lot of really cool anti-aging science and some great...

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168: A Proactive Approach to Aging and Sexual Health and Wellness With HealthWellnessMD was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Sunday, June 24, 2018

How to Find the Best Minimalist Shoes (for Adults and Kids)

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

How to Find the Best Minimalist Shoes for Adults and Kids

I’ve been all about the barefoot shoes (or just being barefoot) for years. But there are some times and some places where barefoot shoes just won’t cut it. Thankfully, there are now many wonderful options for minimalist shoes that look like “regular shoes.” These shoes don’t offer quite as much foot freedom as true barefoot...

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How to Find the Best Minimalist Shoes (for Adults and Kids) was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Friday, June 22, 2018

Sticklebacks infected with parasites influence behavior of healthy fish

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Sticklebacks infected with parasites influence behavior of healthy fish
Certain types of tapeworm make sticklebacks behave carelessly and thus become easier prey for birds. A team of biologists have now demonstrated for the first time that the tapeworm not only influences the behavior of the infected fish -- indirectly, it can also induce risky behavior in other fish in the group.
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Sticklebacks infected with parasites influence behavior of healthy fish was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Scientists print sensors on gummi candy

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Scientists print sensors on gummi candy
Microelectrodes can be used for direct measurement of electrical signals in the brain or heart. These applications require soft materials, however. With existing methods, attaching electrodes to such materials poses significant challenges. A team has now succeeded in printing electrodes directly onto several soft substrates.
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Scientists print sensors on gummi candy was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

7 Tips to Eat and Stay Healthy on Vacation

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Eating healthy on vacation

Ahh, vacation. Just saying the word usually evokes visions of relaxing by the pool, drinks with tiny umbrellas, a plethora of succulent foods, building sandcastles, and a beach-ready body. (At least it did before kids!) While traveling somewhere new is (almost) always lots of fun, trying to eat healthy on vacation can be a challenge. Staying...

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7 Tips to Eat and Stay Healthy on Vacation was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Swedes have been brewing beer since the Iron Age, new evidence confirms

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Swedes have been brewing beer since the Iron Age, new evidence confirms
Archaeologists have found carbonized germinated grains showing that malt was produced for beer brewing as early as the Iron Age in the Nordic region. The findings made in Uppåkra in southern Sweden indicate a large-scale production of beer, possibly for feasting and trade.
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Swedes have been brewing beer since the Iron Age, new evidence confirms was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Controlling robots with brainwaves and hand gestures

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Controlling robots with brainwaves and hand gestures
System enables people to correct robot mistakes on multi-choice problems.
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Strange sponge-like fossil creature from half a billion years ago

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Strange sponge-like fossil creature from half a billion years ago
A discovery of a new species of sponge-like fossil from the Cambrian Period sheds light on early animal evolution.
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Chip upgrade helps bee-size drones navigate

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Chip upgrade helps bee-size drones navigate
The same researchers, who last year designed a tiny computer chip tailored to help honeybee-sized drones navigate, have now shrunk their chip design even further, in both size and power consumption.
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Chip upgrade helps bee-size drones navigate was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How To Overcome An Addiction With Raw Food

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How To Overcome An Addiction With Raw Food
How To Overcome An Addiction With Raw Food How to overcome an addiction whether it is with alcohol, tobacco or drugs, can be accomplished with a raw food diet. Dr. John Douglas found that addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs lose their potency on a raw food diet. Also, Dr. Eimer who was Director of the Medical Clinic at the University of Vienna in the 1930’s found that athletes on a 100% raw food diet had faster reflexes, more flexibility, and improved stamina. If someone is smoking or they have a problem with drugs or alcohol, we don’t even talk about it, we just change their diet to raw food. What we find with people on a raw food diet is they don’t want to smoke or drink or take drugs because it just doesn’t feel good. If you are pure and ingest any toxin it is not going to feel good. Being intoxicated does not feel good. If it feels good ingesting toxins means you are already very toxic. For example, every smoker’s first drag of a cigarette makes them cough. A person’s first drink of alcohol usually results in them spitting it out or making a face. If you want to overcome an addiction, a raw food diet is a perfect answer!
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How To Overcome An Addiction With Raw Food was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Monday, June 18, 2018

3 Delicious Weight Loss Smoothies that Don’t Taste Like Dieting

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Drinking weight loss smoothies is a delicious way to get raw fruits and vegetables into your body. With just a few minutes of preparation, you’ll be sipping a sweet concoction that’s filled to the brim with nutrient-rich ingredients that are going to support healthy weight loss. Meal replacement shakes are big money in the diet

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In the gaping mouth of ancient crocodiles

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In the gaping mouth of ancient crocodiles
A new study has endeavoured to further explore the mouth of one of the earliest occurring and least understood groups of crocodilians, the shartegosuchids.
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166: Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection With Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection with Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp

Today’s episode will be very helpful for anyone with autoimmune disease (or any chronic health problem). Aimee Raupp is an expert in women’s health and she takes an important and unusual approach: focusing on the mind/body connection first and foremost. Her approach offers hope to those who have tried all the dietary, lifestyle, and supplemental...

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166: Understanding Autoimmunity and the Mind/Body Connection With Body Belief Author Aimee Raupp was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Friday, June 15, 2018

Colon Cleansing Hydrotherapy Vital For Detoxification

Watch on YouTube here: Colon Cleansing Hydrotherapy Vital For Detoxification
via BodyFly Fitness

Microbe breaks 'universal' DNA rule by using two different translations

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Microbe breaks
DNA is often referred to as the blueprint for life, however scientists have for the first time discovered a microbe that uses two different translations of the DNA code at random. This unexpected finding breaks what was thought to be a universal rule, since the proteins from this microbe cannot be fully predicted from the DNA sequence.
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Microbe breaks 'universal' DNA rule by using two different translations was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Non-coding DNA changes the genitals you're born with

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Non-coding DNA changes the genitals you
Male mice grow ovaries instead of testes if they are missing a small region of DNA that doesn't contain any genes -- a finding that could help explain disorders of sex development in humans, at least half of which have an unknown genetic cause.
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Non-coding DNA changes the genitals you're born with was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Distant moons may harbor life

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Distant moons may harbor life
Researchers have identified more than 100 giant planets that potentially host moons capable of supporting life. Their work will guide the design of future telescopes that can detect these potential moons and look for tell-tale signs of life, called biosignatures, in their atmospheres.
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Distant moons may harbor life was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Plants open their pores and scientists strike gold

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Plants containing the element gold are already widely known. The flowering perennial plant alfafa, for example, has been cultivated by scientists to contain pure gold in its plant tissue. Now researchers have identified and investigated the characteristics of gold nanoparticles in two plant species growing in their natural environments.
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Plants open their pores and scientists strike gold was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Free Radical Theory Of Aging

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

The Free Radical Theory Of Aging
The Free Radical Theory Of Aging The free radical theory of aging simply stated is that you acquire free radicals from eating cooked food. The Bunson burner was first made in 1892. It is an essential piece of equipment in any chemistry lab. A chemical reaction is the breaking of and formation of chemical bonds. It takes energy to break these bonds which is usually in the form of heat. Thermal energy or heat is converted chemical bond energy which is called endothermic. Cooking is an endothermic chemical reaction. Cooking is changing the very nature of the food by involving heat. A thermolyzed diet is a cooked diet. A cooked food diet increases oxidative stress, plasma alpha aldehydes and colonic inflammation in a rat. Thermolysis of foods results in the formation of by-products; i.e. advanced glycation end products (AGE). The Maillard reaction is the browning of foods. It’s a chemical reaction between an amino acid and a reducing sugar. It forms a complex mixture of molecules responsible for a range of odors and flavors. This is what you smell when you walk the house and go, wow, that smells good. It’s the smell of coffee, the browning of toast, etc. These are the things that we are addicted to and this is what the Maillard reaction is and what it does. The Maillard reaction occurs at approximately 309 degrees Fahrenheit. Significant browning of foods does not occur until all surface water is vaporized. Therefore, steaming or boiling of foods is less toxic. Steaming and boiling does still destroy the enzymes, but it does not produce toxic byproducts. You wouldn’t say it is healthy, you would say it is the least damaging. The Maillard reaction is highly correlated with different aging diseases. This is where the free radical theory of aging comes into play which has a lot of merit. This theory means that you get free radicals from eating.
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Sea urchins see with their feet

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Sea urchins lack eyes, but can see with their tentacle-like tube feet instead, previous research has indicated. Now, researchers have tested their vision in a new study, and shown that while sea urchins have fairly low resolution vision -- it is good enough to fulfill their basic needs.
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Sea urchins see with their feet was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Monday, June 11, 2018

An Oasis of Healing Introduces Dr. Nathan Goodyear

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An Oasis of Healing is proud to introduce Dr. Nathan Goodyear to our care team of experts.

We were about to send out a communication where we were going to formally introduce Dr. Goodyear to our loyal audience and low and behold a National Press Release beat us to it! A Press Release is only published when the news is noteworthy and adding Dr. Nathan Goodyear to our team of doctors at An Oasis of Healing is just that!

We feel the Press Release does a fantastic job explaining the credentials of Dr. Goodyear and why we are honored to have him as part of our team so we will let it speak for itself. The following is the Press Release in its entirety, enjoy.

 — Mesa, AZ (June 4, 2018) – Great news for An Oasis of Healing patients: A new integrative medicine expert is in the house, and he’s all set to make a difference.

The celebrated Arizona-based integrative care center welcomes Dr. Nathan Goodyear to its elite care team to help more patients reclaim their health through a unique program that combines scientifically proven methods and natural healing modalities.

“We’re delighted to have an expert like Dr. Goodyear on our team. I am certain our patients will greatly benefit from his breadth of knowledge and experience,” renowned integrative oncologist and An Oasis of Healing founder Thomas Lodi shared. “He shares our passion for integrative medicine and his own wellness journey is an inspiration to those around him.”

Dr. Goodyear’s career began with his own weight loss journey wherein he lost 100 pounds following his college football career. Since then, he has dedicated himself to a science-based approach to integrative medicine which he has been practicing since 2006.

A graduate of the Louisiana Tech University and the Louisiana State University Health Services Center, he is a Fellow in Functional and Regenerative Medicine and served on the board of the American Functional Medicine Association. He is Board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and served as the Chief Resident in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Tennessee where he received the Chairman’s Award in 2004.

Dr. Goodyear is also a published author with two books to his name. Man Boob Nation, published in 2014, tackles an integrative medicine approach to low testosterone. It was followed by Total Testosterone Transformation in 2017.

“My mission is to bridge the science and clinical application of wellness medicine, so it can perform its original purpose of teaching the body how to heal,” Dr. Goodyear said. “I have seen the transformative work that Dr. Lodi and his team are doing, and it is an honor for me to be able to do my part.”

Haven of health
An Oasis of Healing specializes in integrative cancer therapies and treatments. It is a field of study which combines various scientifically backed healing disciplines into a unified system that addresses the needs of cancer patients.

For well over a decade now, Dr. Lodi and his team have been giving over 1,000 patients a new lease in life through holistic and customized programs that help people heal from cancer and restore health.

To find out more about An Oasis of Healing, their healing philosophies and their expert care team, visit

An Oasis of Healing is located at 210 North Center St. Suite 102, Mesa, AZ 85201. Phone 480-834-5414.

About An Oasis of Healing
Based in Mesa, An Oasis of Healing is an Arizona cancer center using alternative cancer care which integrates scientifically proven treatments and healing modalities rooted in nature.

Contact Info:
Name: Clothilde Canale
Organization: An Oasis of Healing
Address: 210 North Center St. Suite 102 Mesa AZ 85201
Phone: 480-834-5414

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The Truth About Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

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It’s no secret that apple cider vinegar, or ACV as most people fondly call it, is good for your health. It has been used for centuries to heal colds, acid reflux, and allergies. But is apple cider vinegar for weight loss really a trick to help you shed unwanted pounds? There are plenty of studies

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165: How to Make Simple Green Smoothies a Daily Habit (Even on a Tight Budget!)

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How to Make Simple Green Smoothies a Daily Habit (Even on a Tight Budget!)

Today we’re talking about a very practical way to help our families eat healthier that will please even the the picky eaters among us. I’m here with Jen Hansard who’s the founder of Simple Green Smoothies. I bet you’ve probably heard of it. It’s a gorgeous and really popular website dedicated to, you guessed it, green...

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165: How to Make Simple Green Smoothies a Daily Habit (Even on a Tight Budget!) was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Friday, June 8, 2018

Secret to whale shark hotspots

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Secret to whale shark hotspots
A study has uncovered the secret to why endangered whale sharks gather on mass at just a handful of locations around the world.
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Monkeys eat fats and carbs to keep warm

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Monkeys eat fats and carbs to keep warm
Crave comfort foods in cooler months? You're in good company. Golden snub-nosed monkeys prefer to eat more fats and carbohydrates in winter to help generate heat, research suggests.
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Monkeys eat fats and carbs to keep warm was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Thursday, June 7, 2018

7 Best Selling Weight Loss Pills + Which Ones Actually WORK

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

There are probably more weight loss pills on the market than pounds that need to be shed. Okay, that’s obviously an exaggeration, but you get my drift. Even with reviews, it can be really hard to sort through the good and bad supplements out there today. They usually work in one of three ways: Suppress

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Australian lizard scares away predators with ultra-violet tongue

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Australian lizard scares away predators with ultra-violet tongue
Researchers investigate how the blue-tongued skink uses a full-tongue display to deter attacking predators.
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Astronomers find a galaxy unchanged since the early universe

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Astronomers find a galaxy unchanged since the early universe
Researchers confirm the first detection of a relic galaxy with the Hubble Space Telescope.
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The Clarke exobelt, a method to search for possible extraterrestrial civilizations

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A new study examines the possibility of detecting hypothetical artificial satellites orbiting around other worlds.
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Dark inflation opens up a gravitational window onto the first moments after the Big Bang

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Dark inflation opens up a gravitational window onto the first moments after the Big Bang
Dark matter and dark energy may have driven inflation, the exponential expansion of the Universe moments after the Big Bang. A new cosmological model proposed by physicists, which takes dark inflation into account, is the first to outline a precise chronology of the main events during the early history of our Universe. The model makes a spectacular prediction: that it should be possible to detect gravitational waves that were formed just fractions of a second after the creation of spacetime.
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Dark inflation opens up a gravitational window onto the first moments after the Big Bang was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Deadly behavior-modifying weapon identified in insect-world chemical arms race

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Deadly behavior-modifying weapon identified in insect-world chemical arms race
New research joins the dots between zombie ants, an insect-world arms race and the search for new antibiotics. Scientists probing one of the mysteries of the insect world identified a powerful chemical weapon used in the arms race between fungus-farming leafcutter ants and the parasites that plague them. It is hoped that the findings will help scientists search for new antibiotics from this unique battlefield.
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Mind Body Spirit Connection Definition

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Mind Body Spirit Connection DefinitionThe Mind Body Spirit Connection Definition by Dr. Thomas Lodi.

We have to go back to Dr. Sigmund Freud when talking about the mind. Freud came up with the ID Ego and Super Ego. The ID Ego is the basic fundamental desire like hunger and the Super Ego says, eat that, not this. The mind body spirit connection definition is these are three aspects of the one same thing, energy is the same as matter.

When we use the word ego, like when we say, “he has a big ego”, what we are really mean is vanity. It’s not ego, the ego is the CEO. It is the executor of action.

We separate the mind into these three separate entities, mind, body and spirit and they are not separate. There are three different processes that they are using in order to talk about it.

It’s important to understand that the terms don’t mean that somewhere there is located an ID, Ego and Super Ego in different locations. This is not true, these are just terms used to discuss it.

This also applies to the mind, body, and spirit. Let’s think about it, where would you say that the mind ends, and the body begins? Where does the spirit connect to something or come into play?

They are all interwoven and they are just three aspects of one thing. They are broken into three things just, so people can talk about it. It gives you a vocabulary.

The Mind Body Spirit Connection Definition Explained on Video

We all know that E=MC2 which was Einstein’s conclusion which was a mathematically proven realization that energy and matter are the same. Mind = Body. What is the mind? The mind is energy and it is affecting the body.

Let’s talk about human perception or figure, ground and context. Humans don’t think about the context or the ground, we think about the figure. An artist knows that when they make something bigger, it looks closer.

Something out of context has no meaning. Without context it’s meaningless. This is something humans don’t understand in the way they live their daily lives and the way they perceive things. Everything requires context.

An artist knows this as they take great pains to draw the background. To draw the mountain that the rabbit is running up so the context is given.

The physical universe is also known as the phenomenal universe, exists in polarities. What I mean by this is up has no meaning without down. A front has no meaning without a back. These pairings give each other meaning and existence.

In the physical world, everything exists in polarities. It’s interesting because this is how we learn. We learn by contrast. The reality of the physical world is duality.

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Mind Body Spirit Connection Definition was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Swimming without an engine

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Swimming without an engine
Using nothing but 3D printing, scientists have developed a paddling submarine that requires no engine, propellant or power supply.
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Swimming without an engine was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Definition For Stress

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

The Definition For StressThe definition for stress is an internal friction on an object.

If an object has tension on it, that causes stress. Hans Selye, who was an endocrinologist, came up with the term stress. I have my own definition for stress and that is “you don’t like what is”.

Prior to Hans using this term inside the body, stress was only used for a physical object. It was a term used in physics, not in psychology.

Let me point out a distinction between stress and being inspired. Stress is really just a perception.   For example, if an everyday person got dropped off at the foot of Mt. Everest and told they had to climb it, that person would be stressed.

Yet, an experienced rock climber is put in the same position and they would be excited. These two people faced the same event, the same physical requirement and one is stressed, and one is not. Again, stress is a perception.

The term “stress” has become so common in our everyday language that no one even thinks about it. People commonly say, “I’m stressed” or “that stresses me out”. People also think that they have acquired some condition because of stress.

The Definition for Stress I Created is Simply “You Do Not Like What Is”

Now, stress is most likely contributory, but it is not necessarily the cause. The interface between the mind and the body takes place somewhere at the base of the brain called the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus makes hormones. It then sends messages to the pituitary and then the pituitary sends out hormones to the rest of the body.

Our thyroid gland produces a hormone that gives us energy. A “hypo” condition is someone who is tired, low energy, losing their hair, etc. A “hyper” condition is someone whose heart is beating very fast and they are hyper.

When looking at the standard hormones such as the ovaries, the thyroid, etc., people tend to forget about all the other hormones going on in the body. For example, the heart produces a hormone that deals with the body’s ability to excrete urine.

At our healing center, An Oasis of Healing, we have an extensive, unique and highly effective comprehensive cancer care program. Our protocol not only includes intravenous and adjunct therapies, but we also assist with the mind-body relationship.

There is no one single therapy or treatment that reverses health ailments, it is, in fact, an integrated approach that helps to restore health and return to living a vibrant life.

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The Definition For Stress was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Friday, June 1, 2018

How to Stay Healthy While Flying

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

How to stay healthy while flying

We are privileged to live in a time when crossing the world is as easy as hopping on an airplane! What isn’t as easy is figuring out how to stay healthy while flying. With the tight quarters and recycled air, odds are high… you’ll be taking home a souvenir you could have done without. One...

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How to Stay Healthy While Flying was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Micro-CT scans show 2,100-year-old 'hawk' mummy a stillborn baby

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Micro-CT scans show 2,100-year-old
A tiny Egyptian mummy long believed to be that of a hawk is actually a rare example of a near-to-term, severely malformed fetus.
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Micro-CT scans show 2,100-year-old 'hawk' mummy a stillborn baby was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Cosmic collision lights up the darkness

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Cosmic collision lights up the darkness
Though it resembles a peaceful rose swirling in the darkness of the cosmos, NGC 3256 is actually the site of a violent clash. This distorted galaxy is the relic of a collision between two spiral galaxies, estimated to have occured 500 millions years ago. Today it is still reeling in the aftermath of this event.
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Cosmic collision lights up the darkness was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Cell-like nanorobots clear bacteria and toxins from blood

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Cell-like nanorobots clear bacteria and toxins from blood
Engineers have developed tiny ultrasound-powered robots that can swim through blood, removing harmful bacteria along with the toxins they produce. These proof-of-concept nanorobots could one day offer a safe and efficient way to detoxify and decontaminate biological fluids.
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Cell-like nanorobots clear bacteria and toxins from blood was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Sugarcane pest produces foam to protect itself from heat

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Sugarcane pest produces foam to protect itself from heat
Brazilian researchers found that the root spittlebug nymph produces bubbles by feeding on sap, to form a thermal insulator foam that maintains an optimal body temperatures during development. Knowledge of the foam's physical and chemical properties can pave the way for research on compounds that could destabilize the bubbles and eliminate the pests' nymphs in the process.
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Sugarcane pest produces foam to protect itself from heat was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News