Thursday, November 30, 2017

Blowing in the stellar wind: Scientists reduce the chances of life on exoplanets in so-called habitable zones

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Blowing in the stellar wind: Scientists reduce the chances of life on exoplanets in so-called habitable zones
A new article describes the detrimental impact of stellar wind on the atmosphere of exoplanets.
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Blowing in the stellar wind: Scientists reduce the chances of life on exoplanets in so-called habitable zones was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Why This Blogger Says Becoming Fat Saved Her Life

20 Habits That Make Holiday Stress Worse

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

20 Habits That Make Holiday Stress Worse
Avoid these common anxieties to stay merry all season long.

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20 Habits That Make Holiday Stress Worse was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

SEX SCANDALS: What about all the women who remained SILENT?

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

SEX SCANDALS: What about all the women who remained SILENT?
The sex abuse bombshells you've heard about are only the tip of the iceberg... there are many MORE women who were abused but who haven't yet NAMED their abusers! Learn more at
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SEX SCANDALS: What about all the women who remained SILENT? was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

President Trump SAVES Zimbabwe elephants

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President Trump SAVES Zimbabwe elephants
Big-game hunting is an atrocity against conscious beings (animals). Thankfully, President Trump recently took action to save the elephants of Zimbabwe from American big-game hunters. Learn more at or
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President Trump SAVES Zimbabwe elephants was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Going swimmingly: Biotemplates breakthrough paves way for cheaper nanobots

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Going swimmingly: Biotemplates breakthrough paves way for cheaper nanobots
New developments may now propel nanoswimmers from science fiction to reality thanks to unexpected help from bacteria. Engineers have demonstrated a new technique for plating silica onto flagella, the helix-shaped tails found on many bacteria, to produce nanoscale swimming robots. The group's biotemplated nanoswimmers spin their flagella thanks to rotating magnetic fields and can perform nearly as well as living bacteria.
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Going swimmingly: Biotemplates breakthrough paves way for cheaper nanobots was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Sonic Kayaks: Environmental monitoring and experimental music by citizens

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Sonic Kayaks: Environmental monitoring and experimental music by citizens
Researchers have rigged kayaks with underwater environmental sensors and speakers to create an environmental monitoring tool suitable for citizen scientists. Instructions for the hardware and open-source software for making the 'Sonic Kayak' are available.
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Sonic Kayaks: Environmental monitoring and experimental music by citizens was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

New treatment investigated for brain tapeworm infection

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

New treatment investigated for brain tapeworm infection
Treating neurocysticercosis (NCC), an infection of the brain with tapeworm larvae, often leads to inflammation and seizures when the parasites in the brain die. Now, researchers have reported that pretreatment with the anti-tumor necrosis factor drug etanercept (ETN) is a viable strategy to manage this post-treatment inflammation.
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New treatment investigated for brain tapeworm infection was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Do your ears hang low? The complex genetics behind earlobe attachment

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Do your ears hang low? The complex genetics behind earlobe attachment
A common, hands-on method for teaching genetics in grade school encourages students to compare their earlobes with those of their parents: are they attached and smoothly mesh with the jawline? Or are they detached and dangly? The answer is meant to teach students about dominant and recessive genes. Simple, right? Not so fast.
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Do your ears hang low? The complex genetics behind earlobe attachment was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Foot Scrub Cubes with Menthol Crystals

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

These solid Foot Scrub Cubes with Menthol Crystals not only exfoliate and moisturize tough calluses, but the addition of menthol crystals also soothes and cools feet on contact. Whether you’re struggling to catch up on last minute shopping, handling the housework or simply standing all day, your feet are taking a lot of punishment.  So...

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Foot Scrub Cubes with Menthol Crystals was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Man Who Inspired ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Dies at Age 46

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Man Who Inspired ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Dies at Age 46

This article originally appeared on

Anthony Senerchia Jr., who was an inspiration for the viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, died on Saturday at the age of 46, ending a 14-year battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

“He worked tirelessly to raise awareness for ALS and was directly responsible for the world-renowned Ice bucket challenge,” his obituary said, calling him “a fireball who tried everything in life.”

Senerchia was diagnosed with ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, in 2003.

“It’s a difficult disease and tough when you’re losing,” his wife, Jeanette, told the Journal News Media Group. “Your body is failing you. But he was a fighter… He was our light. He made our life better.”

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge went viral and raised $115 million during two months in 2014 — money that went largely to fund research. And Anthony Senerchia played a significant role in getting it started.

When Jeanette Senerchia’s cousin, golfer Chris Kennedy, was nominated early on to participate in the challenge, it was not yet specifically connected to ALS. But when Kennedy passed along the challenge to others, he chose the ALS Association as a beneficiary because of Anthony Senerchia’s battle with the disease. It took off from there.

“What started out as a small gesture to put a smile on Anthony’s face and bring some awareness to this terrible disease has turned into a national phenomenon,” Kennedy told TIME in 2014, “and it is something we never could have dreamed of.”

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Man Who Inspired ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Dies at Age 46 was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Man Who Inspired ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Dies at Age 46

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Man Who Inspired ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Dies at Age 46

This article originally appeared on

Anthony Senerchia Jr., who was an inspiration for the viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, died on Saturday at the age of 46, ending a 14-year battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

“He worked tirelessly to raise awareness for ALS and was directly responsible for the world-renowned Ice bucket challenge,” his obituary said, calling him “a fireball who tried everything in life.”

Senerchia was diagnosed with ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, in 2003.

“It’s a difficult disease and tough when you’re losing,” his wife, Jeanette, told the Journal News Media Group. “Your body is failing you. But he was a fighter… He was our light. He made our life better.”

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge went viral and raised $115 million during two months in 2014 — money that went largely to fund research. And Anthony Senerchia played a significant role in getting it started.

When Jeanette Senerchia’s cousin, golfer Chris Kennedy, was nominated early on to participate in the challenge, it was not yet specifically connected to ALS. But when Kennedy passed along the challenge to others, he chose the ALS Association as a beneficiary because of Anthony Senerchia’s battle with the disease. It took off from there.

“What started out as a small gesture to put a smile on Anthony’s face and bring some awareness to this terrible disease has turned into a national phenomenon,” Kennedy told TIME in 2014, “and it is something we never could have dreamed of.”

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Man Who Inspired ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Dies at Age 46 was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Why Big Government always leads to GENOCIDE

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Why Big Government always leads to GENOCIDE
Here's why big government / global government is pushing toward genocidal goals, where government now wants to eliminate the population rather than expanding it. Stay informed at or
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Why Big Government always leads to GENOCIDE was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Why gay people disagree with TRANSGENDERISM

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Why gay people disagree with TRANSGENDERISM
Here's why many gay people disagree with the "mental model" explanation of biology offered by the transgender community. Read more at
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Why gay people disagree with TRANSGENDERISM was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars)

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Our Family Advent Traditions with DIY Advent Wreath and Calendar

I constantly strive to make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable. In an effort to pare down on the holiday craziness, we vowed to give experiences instead of stuff whenever possible and give only a couple high-quality gifts instead of lots of cheap ones that break the next day. We wanted to lessen the focus on...

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Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars) was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Prehistoric women had stronger arms than today's elite rowing crews

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Prehistoric women had stronger arms than today
The first study to compare ancient and living female bones shows the routine manual labor of women during early agricultural eras was more grueling than the physical demands of rowing in Cambridge University's famously competitive boat clubs. Researchers say the findings suggest a 'hidden history' of women's work stretching across millennia.
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Prehistoric women had stronger arms than today's elite rowing crews was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

With 'material robotics,' intelligent products won't even look like robots

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Robots as inconspicuous as they are ubiquitous represent the vision of researchers in the new and burgeoning field of material robotics.
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With 'material robotics,' intelligent products won't even look like robots was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Wearable computing ring allows users to write words and numbers with thumb

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Wearable computing ring allows users to write words and numbers with thumb
With the whirl of a thumb, researchers have created technology that allows people to trace letters and numbers on their fingers and see the figures appear on a nearby computer screen. The system is triggered by a thumb ring outfitted with a gyroscope and tiny microphone. As wearers strum their thumb across the fingers, the hardware detects the movement.
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Wearable computing ring allows users to write words and numbers with thumb was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

First-of-its-kind mummy study reveals clues to girl’s story

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

First-of-its-kind mummy study reveals clues to girl’s story
Who is she, this little mummy girl? Scientists and students are working to unravel some of her mysteries, including how her body was prepared 1,900 years ago in Egypt, what items she may have been buried with, the quality of her bones and what material is present in her brain cavity. As part of a comprehensive scientific investigation, the mummy traveled from Evanston to Argonne National Laboratory on Nov. 27 for an all-day X-ray scattering experiment. It was the first study of its kind performed on a human mummy.
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First-of-its-kind mummy study reveals clues to girl’s story was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Sorry, Grumpy Cat -- Study finds dogs are brainier than cats

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Sorry, Grumpy Cat -- Study finds dogs are brainier than cats
The first study to actually count the number of cortical neurons in the brains of a number of carnivores, including cats and dogs, has found that dogs possess significantly more of them than cats.
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Sorry, Grumpy Cat -- Study finds dogs are brainier than cats was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars)

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Our Family Advent Traditions with DIY Advent Wreath and Calendar

We strive to make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable. In an effort to pare down on the holiday crazy, we vowed to give experiences instead of stuff whenever possible and give only a couple high-quality gifts. We wanted to lessen the focus on gifts, and instead place it on the meaning of Christmas and...

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Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars) was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Invasive frogs give invasive birds a boost in Hawaii

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Invasive frogs give invasive birds a boost in Hawaii
Puerto Rican coqui frogs were accidentally introduced to Hawaii in the 1980s, and today there are as many as 91,000 frogs per hectare in some locations. What does that mean for native wildlife? Concerns that ravenous coquis could reduce the food available for the islands' native insect-eating birds, many of which are already declining, spurred researchers to examine the relationship between frog and bird populations -- but their results weren't what they expected.
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Invasive frogs give invasive birds a boost in Hawaii was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Top 8 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises for Women

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

If you’re anything like me, you give the kettlebells in the corner of the gym a once-over and think “I wouldn’t know the first thing to do with that…” Let’s change that with these beginner kettlebell exercises for women! Using kettlebells to workout is not a new thing. People have been swinging them around to

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Top 8 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises for Women was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Dogs mouth-lick to communicate with angry humans

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

New research has found that dogs lick their mouths as a response to looking at angry human faces, suggesting that domestic canines may have a functional understanding of emotional information.
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Dogs mouth-lick to communicate with angry humans was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Hydrotherapy Colon Cleanse For Health Restoration

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Colon Hydrotherapy CleanseHow is a Hydrotherapy Colon Cleanse beneficial to your overall health?

Watching what you eat, exercising, healthy lifestyle habits and more are important when it comes to gut health and overall health. However, have you ever focused on all of the above and still felt as though you were carrying a heavy load? A hydrotherapy colon cleanse could just be the answer!

People eat so many processed foods, and no one is perfect when it comes to the three life staples for health mentioned above. You could lighten that load, and improve your health overall in so many ways with a hydrotherapy colon cleanse.

Your colon needs a break. If you give your colon a break, your body gets a break as well, a big one. What can a colon cleanse do for you? First of all, it can help reduce your chances of developing bowel cancer or colon cancer.

You are supposed to start making an appointment for an annual colonoscopy at age 50. Whether you are 50+ or not, the hydrotherapy colonic cleaning can be a preventative measure in regards to cancer and again comes with many other health benefits.

Have you ever suffered from hemorrhoids? If so, you can reduce your risk of hemorrhoids, too. Experts say that you will also be aiding your body in regards to nutrient absorption. This is a big one. Not only do people often not get enough nutrients when it comes to their diets, but they aren’t all absorbed thanks in part to a colon that is in need of a good cleansing.

A Hydrotherapy Colon Cleanse is a Tune-up for the Colon and Body

You lighten that load with a hydrotherapy colon cleanse, and you’re going to notice a difference in how your abdominal region feels. You will be much more comfortable, and it is also said that you will experience less gas discomfort as well. You also lessen your chances of developing both constipation and diarrhea. Oh yes, a dysfunctional colon can lead to one extreme or the other when it comes to bowel movements.

There are other types of colon cleanses, but this particular type of colon cleanse has been around for a long time. You have to watch when it comes to herbal cleanses and supplements that are out on the market. Some do not deliver the desired results, and others are even questioned as being dangerous. You don’t want any harmful substances churning around in your colon, causing your bowel movements to go into overdrive.

That type of colon cleanse almost sounds like a laxative. You need to look at a hydrotherapy colonic cleanse. The ironic thing about the cleanse is that it also helps your body with water absorption. This is important of course, just like the nutrient absorption. You are told to drink a certain amount of water daily, and it helps when water is absorbed properly.

You now know more about the benefits of a hydrotherapy cleanse for your colon. It’s not just about your colon but about your overall health. No matter your age, think about how one of these cleanses could help you. Your colon is the final destination for waste in your body, so it works hard. Keep it in good shape and you will reap good health in return.

A hydrotherapy colon cleanse is part of our integrated cancer care program. Reach out to us if you or a loved one have cancer, we can help you!

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Hydro Colon Cleanse

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Hydro Colon Cleanse
Hydro Colon Cleanse How Is a Hydro Colon Cleanse a benefit to your health? Eating a clean diet, regular exercise and consistent daily healthy habits are so important as it relates to your gut health. However, even living a healthy life is still sometimes not enough. Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, your stomach still feels bloated? Our society eats far too much when it comes to processed foods. And, there aren’t too many people out there who aren’t able to stick to all the healthy habits mentioned above. Having a hydro colon cleanse gives you a feeling of lightness and improves your overall health in so many different ways. And, just like you need a break every now and then, so does your colon. Giving the colon a break also gives the body a break. What will a hydro colon cleanse do for your body? For starters, it helps lower the chances of getting colon cancer. Turning fifty years of age is the time when people are supposed to make appointments for a yearly colonoscopy. We, at An Oasis of Healing say, don’t wait until you’re fifty to start caring for your colon! Do it early and often for optimal health. A hydro colon cleanse helps as a preventative in regards to any illness. So many other health benefits come with doing regular colon cleanses. Consistent colon cleansing will lessen your chances of having to deal with both constipation and diarrhea. It is true that a dysfunctional colon can lead to these conditions which are draining on the body. Stay on top of keeping your colon clean on a regular basis. The benefits of true health will be more than worth it!
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Hydro Colon Cleanse was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula reveals a cryptic methane-fueled ecosystem in flooded caves

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

In the underground rivers and flooded caves of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, where Mayan lore described a fantastical underworld, scientists have found a cryptic world in its own right.
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Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula reveals a cryptic methane-fueled ecosystem in flooded caves was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Monday, November 27, 2017

Nutrients to Keep Your Family Healthy this Winter

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Today’s post is sponsored by iHerb. All opinions are my own. During the winter, we’re juggling travel and gift shopping and wacky school schedules and big holiday meals – it’s easy to leave one important thing on the back burner: Your health!  All those things we just mentioned are sources of stress, and when you...

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Nutrients to Keep Your Family Healthy this Winter was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

As climate warms, mice morph

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As climate warms, mice morph
Milder winters have led to physical alterations in two species of mice in southern Quebec in the past 50 years -- providing a textbook example of the consequences of climate change for small mammals. These findings also reveal a stark reversal in the proportions of the two mice populations present in the area, adding to evidence that warming temperatures are driving wildlife north.
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As climate warms, mice morph was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Military contractors told to prepare for DOMESTIC deployment

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Military contractors told to prepare for DOMESTIC deployment
Military contracting companies are being told to prepare for DOMESTIC deployment in the near future, meaning a large-scale operation is being planned in the continental United States. "Mass civil unrest" is being planned. Learn more at and
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Military contractors told to prepare for DOMESTIC deployment was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Economic SABOTAGE: The new censorship tactic of the unhinged LEFT

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Economic SABOTAGE: The new censorship tactic of the unhinged LEFT
The new censorship tactic of the unhinged Left is to try to cut off the revenues of conservative or libertarian thinkers. Learn more at and
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Economic SABOTAGE: The new censorship tactic of the unhinged LEFT was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Colon Cleanse Treatment

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Colon Cleanse Treatment
Colon Cleanse Treatment If restoring health is the goal, then you must do a colon cleanse treatment on a regular basis! It’s important to understand, it’s not about just eating clean or healthy, it’s about cleaning your colon otherwise, your health could be in jeopardy. There is a group of veins that assist in draining the colon. They intersect and join into a main vein called the portal vein. The portal vein is connected directly to the liver. When the colon contains a lot of feces, toxins are pulled from the waste along with water and sent to places where we don’t want them to go. The toxins are transported to the liver and this is not good for us. This is called autointoxication and it’s going on twenty-four hours a day. To eliminate autointoxication the colon needs to be cleaned regularly. It is also beneficial to stop eating and do a water fast for 1-3 days which allows the liver to heal and regenerate. The body is able to regenerate a brand-new liver every six months. Now, this doesn’t mean we can continually blast the liver with toxins. It means we need to reduce the toxins and detox often, so a new healthy liver can be produced every 6 months. When someone is constipated, it means the liver is being slammed with toxins. Constipation is the accumulation of fecal matter in the colon. No one is immune from this condition. Society has a massive problem. People eat far too much, too often and it’s of all the wrong stuff. As a result, our colon will not function at an optimal and healthy level. This is disastrous for our health. There is nothing more important than getting a colon cleanse treatment on a regular basis. Your colon, your liver and your immune system as well as your overall health will love you for this!
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Colon Cleanse Treatment was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Long-haired microbes named after Canadian band Rush

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Long-haired microbes named after Canadian band Rush
Three new species of microbe found in the guts of termites have been named after members of the Canadian prog-rock band Rush, owing to the microbes' long hair and rhythmic wriggling under the microscope.
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Long-haired microbes named after Canadian band Rush was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Amputees can learn to control a robotic arm with their minds

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Amputees can learn to control a robotic arm with their minds
Neuroscientists have shown how amputees can learn to control a robotic arm through electrodes implanted in the brain. The research details changes that take place in both sides of the brain used to control the amputated limb and the remaining, intact limb. The results show both areas can create new connections to learn how to control the device, even several years after an amputation.
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Amputees can learn to control a robotic arm with their minds was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

First proper motions measured of stars in a small galaxy outside the Milky Way

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

First proper motions measured of stars in a small galaxy outside the Milky Way
By combining data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Gaia mission, astronomers have been able to measure the proper motion of 15 stars in the Sculptor Galaxy, the first such measurement outside the Milky Way. Analysis shows an unexpected preference in the direction of movement, which suggests that the standard theoretical models used to describe the motion of stars and dark matter halos in other galaxies might be invalid.
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First proper motions measured of stars in a small galaxy outside the Milky Way was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Possible vestiges of a universe previous to the Big Bang

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A researcher proposes to eliminate the need for cosmological space-time singularity and argues that the current expansion phase was preceded by contraction.
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Possible vestiges of a universe previous to the Big Bang was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Unique metal artifacts from Iron Age settlement shed new light on prehistoric feasting

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Unique metal artifacts from Iron Age settlement shed new light on prehistoric feasting
Prehistoric cauldrons, ancient sword and assorted metalwork among nationally significant findings just discovered by archaeologists at Glenfield Park, Leicestershire.
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Unique metal artifacts from Iron Age settlement shed new light on prehistoric feasting was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

117: Fitness at Any Age with Flipping 50s Debra Atkinson

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Fitness at Any Age with Flipping 50's Debra Atkinson

Debra Atkinson is a life coach and master personal trainer who helps women embrace their 50s and beyond with vitality and energy, especially during and after menopause. Debra shares her inspirational message through her website, which offers exercise programs and health coaching specifically for women over 50 wanting to look or feel their best. I...

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117: Fitness at Any Age with Flipping 50s Debra Atkinson was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Water WARS erupting across our world as fresh water supplies collide with surging food demand

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Water WARS erupting across our world as fresh water supplies collide with surging food demand
Water is a precious commodity, and without it we can't grow food and survive. Yet industrial agriculture wastes water on a shocking scale, using open air irrigation and relying on fossil water supplies to grow food inefficiently. If we hope to meet the demands of surging human population, we must conserve our water resources through sustainable agricultural methods such as permaculture and organic agriculture. With many of the world's largest aquifers now collapsing, much of the fossil water supply that feeds our world will be depleted before the year 2050. A global food collapse is now inevitable unless food production techniques are dramatically shifted toward sustainable practices. Stay informed at
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Water WARS erupting across our world as fresh water supplies collide with surging food demand was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Best 2017 Cyber Monday Discounts on Natural Products

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Time sensitive deals on natural products

Cyber Monday is a day when many online companies offer their best sales of the year. I’ve found some great deals this year and have gotten organic PJs for the kids, stocked the pantry and gotten great gifts for everyone on my list! In fact, my Christmas shopping is done… now I just have to...

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Best 2017 Cyber Monday Discounts on Natural Products was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Unique underwater stalactites

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Unique underwater stalactites
In recent years, researchers have identified a small group of stalactites that appear to have calcified underwater instead of in a dry cave. The Hells Bells in the El Zapote cave near Puerto Morelos on the Yucatán Peninsula are just such formations. Scientists have recently investigated how these bell-shaped, meter-long formations developed, assisted by bacteria and algae.
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Unique underwater stalactites was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Friday, November 24, 2017


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The Health Ranger explains why you're witnessing the "revolution of everything" as old institutions try to hold on to power. Stay informed at or
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The REVOLUTION of EVERYTHING was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

The Best Black Friday Sales & Deals on Natural Products

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Black Friday Sales and Deals

I’ve never understood the idea of running out early on holiday celebrations with family to go shopping for gifts for those same people. No judgement from me if that is your thing, but this year, why not have the turkey and eat it too? (Literally and figuratively). I’m doing my early shopping from the comfort...

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The Best Black Friday Sales & Deals on Natural Products was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Thursday, November 23, 2017

15,000+ scientists warn of planetary APOCALYPSE

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15,000+ scientists warn of planetary APOCALYPSE
15,000+ scientists are warning that humanity is causing a planet-wide apocalypse / mass extinction. Stay informed at and
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15,000+ scientists warn of planetary APOCALYPSE was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Bowhead whales come to Cumberland Sound in Nunavut to exfoliate

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Bowhead whales come to Cumberland Sound in Nunavut to exfoliate
Aerial drone footage of bowhead whales in Canada's Arctic has revealed that the large mammals molt and use rocks to rub off dead skin.
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Bowhead whales come to Cumberland Sound in Nunavut to exfoliate was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

The Health Benefits of Gratitude

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The health beneits of gratitude

How wonderful it is to have one day a year dedicated to gratitude and thankfulness! Many of us are well aware of the spiritual benefits of cultivating gratitude in our lives, but it turns out that these benefits can even extend to physical health! Gratitude Reduces Stress It is no secret that stress has a negative...

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The Health Benefits of Gratitude was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Colon Hydrotherapy Benefits For The Body

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Colon Hydrotherapy BenefitsThere are numerous colon hydrotherapy benefits for not only the colon but the entire body.

Let’s review the Top 5 Colon Hydrotherapy Benefits.

Given the quality of the food we eat daily, it’s no surprise that we are exposed to more harmful toxins than ever. Just think about all the additives found in food, the pesticides in crops, and all kinds of pollution that affect out health.

Toxins eventually build up inside the body, negatively impacting our digestive health. The colon is particularly harmed, and the effects can be felt throughout the whole body.

To get rid of toxins, colon hydrotherapy has increased in popularity over the years. If you’re still on the fence or don’t understand all the benefits, then check out these colon hydrotherapy benefits.

Aids in Digestion

Do you suffer from occasional constipation? If so, then you probably know what it’s like to have poor digestion, stomach cramps and bloating. When there’s an interference in the digestion process, other bodily functions inevitably get affected.

Ultimately, your body might not be able to absorb essential nutrients, causing lack of energy and weakened immune function. It’s vital to detox the colon to allow the undigested waste products to be excreted and regulate bowel activity.

Boosts Energy and Concentration

If the colon is too busy trying to remove harmful toxins, the body exerts too much energy for this function alone. But once your colon is purged from these toxins, you can expend your energy elsewhere. It may sound surprising, but colon cleansing can have a serious impact on your energy levels.

Many people also report improved concentration following their colon hydrotherapy session. This is made possible by better absorption of nutrients by the body, nutrients that play a critical role in boosting mental clarity and cognitive function.

Helps with Weight Loss

Struggling with weight loss? Cleansing your colon might prove to be all you need to get rid of those stubborn pounds. A colon cleanse effectively flushes out waste from your system, which helps with your weight loss efforts.

Of course, you should ensure that you eat a healthy raw vegan diet for better results. One change you can try that will have a huge impact in your efforts is to add more fiber in your diet. Fiber aids in digestion, so you can get rid of unwanted pounds sooner than you’d expect.

Improves Overall Colon Health

Too many people die from colon cancer each year. In most cases, the reason is lack of proper care and attention to cleansing the colon. As noted, it’s dangerous to allow toxins to build up inside the colon.

You might not realize that the toxins are wreaking havoc in your body until it’s already too late. By cleansing the colon, you boost its many functions including digestion and maintaining the healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut.

Detoxes the Whole Body

One of the best abilities of the human body is to detoxify itself every single day. However, your lifestyle habits and outside factors can interfere with this ability. The last thing you want is to sit back and do nothing, letting your colon suffer from toxic overload.

If you find yourself lacking energy and suffering from stomach woes frequently, the problem may have to do with your colon. The colon hydrotherapy benefits mentioned here should compel you to take action before you suffer from any serious medical condition.

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Colon Hydrotherapy Benefits For The Body was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Solid-state battery BREAKTHROUGH could help save the world

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Solid-state battery BREAKTHROUGH could help save the world
A solid-state battery breakthrough could truly revolutionize our world in the direction of clean, renewable energy. Learn more at and
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Solid-state battery BREAKTHROUGH could help save the world was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

GUN CONTROL arguments obliterated by LOGIC

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

GUN CONTROL arguments obliterated by LOGIC
The gun control arguments of Democrats make no sense at all once you apply basic logic and reason. Learn more at or
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GUN CONTROL arguments obliterated by LOGIC was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

How to Strengthen Hair with a DIY Hair Mask

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

DIY Hair Mask for Stronger Hair

With exposure to things like the weather, less than great water, hair care products, and heat tools, your hair can take a beating. I use plenty of homemade hair care products to keep my locks healthy, like this herbal hair rinse. But this strengthening DIY hair mask is a great addition to any natural hair...

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How to Strengthen Hair with a DIY Hair Mask was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Lightning, with a chance of antimatter

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Lightning, with a chance of antimatter
Researchers find that lightning strikes causes photonuclear reactions in the atmosphere, creating antimatter.
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Lightning, with a chance of antimatter was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

4 Signs You Should See Another Doctor for a Second Opinion

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

4 Signs You Should See Another Doctor for a Second Opinion

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You leave your doctor’s office with a gnawing doubt. She’s the one with the MD, of course. But something’s not right. Should you get a second opinion? Yes, say experts, and don’t think twice. A fresh perspective can make all the difference for your health. Here, a few good reasons to schedule another appointment.

1. There’s been no mention of a specific diagnosis. Even before your doc IDs your ailment, she should be able to tell you what’s likely going on—or at least the range of possibilities, says Leana Wen, MD, author of When Doctors Don’t Listen ($13; “If she doesn’t, that’s a big red flag,” she says.

2. Your own research doesn’t match up. Once you have a diagnosis—and you’ve Googled the heck out of it—don’t be afraid to question your doc’s conclusion. "Does it really explain how you’re feeling?" says Dr. Wen. Do your symptoms align with the descriptions on reputable health sites? "If not, talk to your doc— and if you still have concerns, see someone else."

3. You’re hearing about only one possible treatment. "In nearly every case, there is more than one treatment option," says Dr. Wen. "And sometimes a viable option is watchful waiting." Your provider should present multiple alternatives, along with their pros and cons, so you can decide what’s best for you.

4. You just don’t trust your doctor. If you don’t think she’s taking you seriously, or if you have any doubts about her competence, find a different expert, says Health medical editor Roshini Rajapaksa, MD. “It’s your body, so follow your instincts,” she says. "It never hurts to get a second opinion."

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4 Signs You Should See Another Doctor for a Second Opinion was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

This Model Has Embraced Her Belly Rolls in the Most Playful Way

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Different Benefits Of Following A Vegan Plant Based Diet

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Vegan Plant Based DietAdhering to a vegan plant based diet is key in the process of healing!

Without a vegan plant based diet, healing is not possible. When the vegan lifestyle gained popularity in contemporary society, more people are paying attention to the hazards of non-organic foods. The core of a vegan diet is that animal products are avoided, and a plant based diet is embraced. When considering animal products has led to more health problems regarding human consumption, it does make sense.

Animal products are more processed, and the plant based choices would be more beneficial. Furthermore, animals are living creatures and slaughtering them would result in suffering for the animal and contributes to destroying the environment.

A plant based diet is more economical and more alkaline where animal products are acidic. Of course, before considering a vegan diet it is important to consider all pros and cons. This article will provide information on the benefits of following a vegan plant based diet.

1. Reduced Blood Pressure

The majority of people following a vegan plant based diet will automatically receive the benefit of reduced blood pressure. This is typically due to increased intake of potassium rich foods, such as whole grain plants, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

It should also be noted that potassium can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety because of the reduced blood pressure. On the other hand, meat from animal food products contains little potassium and will raise blood pressure which can result in poor physical and mental health.

A Vegan Plant Based Diet is a Natural Part of the Healing Process

2. Reduced The Bad Cholesterol Levels

One of the greatest benefits to using a vegan plant based diet is the reduction of the bad cholesterol levels. Cholesterol gets a bad wrap and is necessary for us to function optimally. However, elevated bad cholesterol levels are not what people want. Most people are unaware that plants do not contain cholesterol, even saturated plants such as coconut.

While it is important to balance one’s fat intake, regardless of whether or not you are a vegan, one of the simplest methods to lower cholesterol is by following a plant based diet. Studies have found that vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts can effectively reduce cholesterol levels and the chance of heart disease; however, meat or poultry can increase cholesterol levels in the body.

3. Better Blood Sugar Levels

One of the best ways to manage high blood sugar is by eating more food products containing fiber. By consuming fiber products you will slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood stream and control the blood sugar levels. Reducing absorption of sugar in the blood can also result in controlling one’s hunger and balancing the cortisol levels that can contribute to stress or anxiety. Animal products have been found to raise blood sugar levels which is contrary to the belief that they can combat high blood sugar.

4. Improved Weight Loss

If you are using a vegan plant based diet, you will lose weight. All foods that are organic and clean will improve one’s chances at losing weight when compared to cooked foods that have been cleared of nutrients as well as causing inflammation in the body. According to research, the majority of people using a plant based diet will lose at least five pounds within two weeks without feeling hungry or deprived of meals. Furthermore, they are less likely to experience constipation and will have better sleeping patterns.

An organic raw vegan plant based diet will lead a person on a path to true health. Nutrition is a key piece of our comprehensive cancer care program. We specialize in health restoration.

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The Different Benefits Of Following A Vegan Plant Based Diet was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Homemade Vanilla Extract

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

  Once you bake with homemade vanilla extract, I promise you that you won’t buy the store bought stuff anymore. I love to bake.  I also love to give away my baked goods as gifts because I usually make too much.  When people try my chocolate chip cookies or zucchini bread, they always want to...

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Homemade Vanilla Extract was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Eating The Right Food Is Important

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Eating The Right Food Is Important
Eating The Right Food Is Important Eating the right food is important but it is not enough to maintain health. Let’s say you are a complete raw vegan eating really healthy foods daily. However, if you are stressed out all day long, you have to go the bathroom, but you don’t and hold it in and you’re angry and upset, this doesn’t bode well for long term health. You’re still going to have those bad relationships and the emotional baggage that goes with it and at the end of the day, you are so strung out, you get home and kick the dog. The point is, it is a must to eat a clean, healthy diet. That’s why eating the right food is important because it does help to minimize some of these negative things happening in your daily life. Without the healthy food, healing is not possible, so it is a must. You do need more than the healthy food. You need proper sleep, regular exercise where you are moving your body and a positive mindset. You need to remove yourself from negative, toxic relationships and learn to meditate. This will build a solid foundation for health! If you are dealing with cancer, An Oasis of Healing can help, call us directly at 480-834-5414.
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Eating The Right Food Is Important was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News