Thursday, August 31, 2017

$25,000+ raised for Hurricane Harvey victims (and counting)

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

$25,000+ raised for Hurricane Harvey victims (and counting)
The Health Ranger thanks customers and fans for helping raise $25,000 so far in the Health Ranger Store fundraiser for Hurricane Harvey victims. The goal is to raise $50,000, and a detailed report of the final amounts raised and donated will be posted on Help support "conscious capitalism" by purchasing nutrition, healthy living and preparedness items at
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$25,000+ raised for Hurricane Harvey victims (and counting) was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Texas TOUGHNESS comes from extreme hardship

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Texas TOUGHNESS comes from extreme hardship
The Health Ranger explains why living a TOUGH life makes you an achiever / winner. Similarly, people whose lives are too easy end up being pathetic, lazy and having an entitlement mentality. Alwasys strive to challenge yourself to greatness! Learn more at and
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Texas TOUGHNESS comes from extreme hardship was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Whole Foods / Amazon engaged in "ORGANIC DUMPING" predatory practices

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Whole Foods / Amazon engaged in "ORGANIC DUMPING" predatory practices
Jeff Bezos / is pushing "organic dumping" predatory practices via Whole Foods to DESTROY the organic retail industry. After the industry is destroyed, Amazon will push everybody to start taking toxic pharmaceutical medications that earn Bezos billions. Stay informed at and
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Whole Foods / Amazon engaged in "ORGANIC DUMPING" predatory practices was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

5-Minute Homemade Ketchup Recipe

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

How to make natural ketchup

Ketchup is one of the most kid-friendly foods out there, and some kids (mine!) will eat anything, including liver, with ketchup on it. Unfortunately, most store-bought versions are packed with GMO tomatoes and high fructose corn syrup. It really is worthwhile to make homemade ketchup. The taste, texture, and flavor blows store-bought ketchup out of...

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5-Minute Homemade Ketchup Recipe was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

The Cell And Its Environment

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The Cell And Its Environment
The Cell And Its Environment Learn how we can positively influence the cell and its environment which leads us towards health restoration. Epigenetics is the blueprint of the entire body. Each cell differentiates itself through what’s called an embryonic transformation. This is where an individual cell then turns into a brain cell, a liver cell, a skin cell, etc. The environment a cell is in directly corresponds to what it expresses genetically. For example, when we place a stem cell in a heart, it becomes part of the heart. If a stem cell is place in a brain or a liver, it will become part of the brain and liver. What determines the outcome of what a stem cell becomes? Could it be the DNA or nucleus, no, it’s neither. The library of all potential responses resides in the nucleus. The environment is the catalyst of what a cell will do or its epigenetics. The definition of epigenetics is the layer above our genes. The “epi” of epigenetics meaning above or the layer above our genes. Our senses are appendages of our skin and this is how we receive information through our senses. Our understanding of our environment and the capacity to communicate with it comes from our senses. Our epidermis or skin is translating what the environment is. It’s clarifying different frequencies such as sound and electromagnetic and so on. Each cell contains over 100,000 receptors. A cell only collects and interprets information where it has a specific receptor for it. A cell reacts to its environment it lives in by either upregulating or downregulating a specific process. This process will either turn genes on and off, which means they are either expressed or left unexpressed.
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The Cell And Its Environment was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Organic Farmers Fight Release of GMO Moths

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Organic Farmers Fight Release of GMO Moths
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Organic Farmers Fight Release of GMO Moths was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

First hints of possible water content on TRAPPIST-1 planets

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First hints of possible water content on TRAPPIST-1 planets
Astronomers have been trying to determine whether there might be water on the seven Earth-sized planets orbiting the nearby dwarf star TRAPPIST-1. The results suggest that the outer planets of the system might still harbor substantial amounts of water. This includes the three planets within the habitable zone of the star, lending further weight to the possibility that they may indeed be habitable.
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First hints of possible water content on TRAPPIST-1 planets was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

How Neanderthals made the very first glue

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How Neanderthals made the very first glue
The world's oldest known glue was made by Neanderthals. But how did they make it 200,000 years ago? Archaeologists have discovered three possible ways.
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How Neanderthals made the very first glue was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

How certain ants snap their jaws shut in the blink of an eye

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

How certain ants snap their jaws shut in the blink of an eye
Few victims stand a chance against the formidable mandibles of a trap-jaw ant. In conflicts between predators and prey, speed is a decided advantage, and evolution has given these insects an edge with spring-loaded jaws that snap shut with astonishing speed. Biologists have now provided the first mechanical description of the jaws of a little-known group of trap-jaw ants.
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How certain ants snap their jaws shut in the blink of an eye was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Gold nanoparticles fry cancer on glowing mice

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A new study takes a new approach to killing cancer: Why not fry it into oblivion with vibrating gold nanoparticles?
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Gold nanoparticles fry cancer on glowing mice was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Understanding ancient geometric earthworks in southwestern Amazonia

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Understanding ancient geometric earthworks in southwestern Amazonia
Researchers examine pre-colonial geometric earthworks in the southwestern Amazonia from the point of view of indigenous peoples and archaeology. The study shows that the earthworks were once important ritual communication spaces.
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Understanding ancient geometric earthworks in southwestern Amazonia was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Rosehip Face Serum Recipe for Maturing Skin

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

  I’ve created a Rosehip Face Serum Recipe for Maturing Skin. Let’s face it. No one wants to get older, but we don’t really have a choice. Aging is a natural part of life. However, that doesn’t mean you have to take whatever you end up with. Give your skin a fighting chance and help...

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Rosehip Face Serum Recipe for Maturing Skin was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Relief Fundraiser at the Health Ranger Store

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Hurricane Harvey Relief Fundraiser at the Health Ranger Store
Hurricane Harvey has been called “the worst disaster” in the history of Texas, and experts say it will take years for the state to recover. If you're wondering what you can do to help the thousands of vulnerable people on the ground, the Health Ranger Store is holding a 48-hour Disaster Relief Fundraiser. During this period, 50% of all proceeds from EVERY purchase will go to the victims of Harvey. From extra virgin coconut oil to survival gear to turmeric, your purchases will be used to help those who need it the most. Help those impacted by Hurricane Harvey Here:
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Hurricane Harvey Relief Fundraiser at the Health Ranger Store was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Motorized molecules drill through cells

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Motorized molecules drill through cells
Motorized molecules that target diseased cells may deliver drugs to or kill the cells by drilling into the cell membranes. Scientists have demonstrated them on cancer and other cells.
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Motorized molecules drill through cells was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Acting like a muscle, nano-sized device lifts 165 times its own weight

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Acting like a muscle, nano-sized device lifts 165 times its own weight
Engineers have discovered a simple, economical way to make a nano-sized device that can match the friendly neighborhood Avenger, on a much smaller scale. Their creation weighs 1.6 milligrams (about as much as five poppy seeds) and can lift 265 milligrams (the weight of about 825 poppy seeds) hundreds of times in a row.
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Acting like a muscle, nano-sized device lifts 165 times its own weight was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Otters learn by copying each other

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Otters learn by copying each other
Otters can learn how to solve puzzles by watching and copying each other, new research shows.
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Otters learn by copying each other was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

What lit up the universe? Black holes may have punctured darkened galaxies, allowing light to escape

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

What lit up the universe? Black holes may have punctured darkened galaxies, allowing light to escape
Researchers have a new explanation for how the universe changed from darkness to light. They propose that black holes within galaxies produce winds strong enough to fling out matter that punctures holes in galaxies, allowing light to escape.
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What lit up the universe? Black holes may have punctured darkened galaxies, allowing light to escape was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Do squirrels teach bears to cross the railroad? Grizzlies dig squirrel middens for grains

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Do squirrels teach bears to cross the railroad? Grizzlies dig squirrel middens for grains
Grains have been reported to regularly trickle from hopper cars travelling via the railway through Canada's Banff and Yoho National Parks. As a result, the local red squirrels collect and bury the spilled seeds in their winter larders, which are sometimes discovered by hungry grizzly bears. Grain-conditioned bears may frequent the railway more often than usual, resulting in increased mortality by trains strikes.
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Do squirrels teach bears to cross the railroad? Grizzlies dig squirrel middens for grains was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

New robot rolls with the rules of pedestrian conduct

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New robot rolls with the rules of pedestrian conduct
Engineers have designed an autonomous robot with 'socially aware navigation,' that can keep pace with foot traffic while observing these general codes of pedestrian conduct.
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New robot rolls with the rules of pedestrian conduct was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Robot probes mystery of prehistoric sea creature’s swimming style

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Robot probes mystery of prehistoric sea creature’s swimming style
A new study has shed light on the swimming style of plesiosaurs by creating a robot to mimic its movements.
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Robot probes mystery of prehistoric sea creature’s swimming style was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Fossil whales' teeth shows what ferocious predators they were

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Fossil whales
The feeding habits of the whale -- the world's biggest animal -- have evolved to filter feeding, shows new international research. Ancient whales appear to have been ferocious predators, investigators explain.
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Fossil whales' teeth shows what ferocious predators they were was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Why does rubbing a balloon on your hair make it stick?

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Why does rubbing a balloon on your hair make it stick?
New research indicates that tiny holes and cracks in a material -- changes in the microstructure -- can control how the material becomes electrically charged through friction.
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Why does rubbing a balloon on your hair make it stick? was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

102: How to Stay Safe During Tick Season & Avoid Chronic Lyme Disease with Dr. Jay Davidson

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How to Stay Safe During Tick Season and Avoid Chronic Lyme with Dr. Jay Davidson

Do you suffer from unexplained headaches, joint pain, fatigue, or other autoimmune symptoms and suspect chronic Lyme disease might be at the bottom of it? Dr. Jay Davidson might just be the expert you need! There’s no better time to get educated on this topic, as Lyme disease is actually more common than breast cancer...

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102: How to Stay Safe During Tick Season & Avoid Chronic Lyme Disease with Dr. Jay Davidson was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Alternative Healing Modalities Do No Harm To The Body

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

We use integrated alternative healing modalities as a part of our comprehensive cancer care program. The three parts of our cancer care program consist of the following. We start with teaching people how to stop making cancer. Secondly, we use alternative healing modalities to target and eliminate the cancer and thirdly, we stimulate the immune system. Some of the alternative ... Read More

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Alternative Healing Modalities Do No Harm To The Body was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Texas resilience overcomes hurricanes and left-wing hate

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Texas resilience overcomes hurricanes and left-wing hate
The Health Ranger explains why Texans are so resilient, compassionate and capable. It's precisely because life in Texas can be challenging, but those challenges make people stronger. Read more at and
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Texas resilience overcomes hurricanes and left-wing hate was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Hurricane Harvey Victim Relief Fundraiser announced at Health Ranger Store

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Hurricane Harvey Victim Relief Fundraiser announced at Health Ranger Store
The Health Ranger Store announces a 48-hour fundraising effort to aid victims of Hurricane Harvey. All sales from 8/30 (Wednesday) through 8/31 (Thursday) result in a 50% donation to local relief groups that are aiding Hurricane Harvey victims. Fifty cents on every dollar of sales, in other words, is donated to these groups. Donation dollar amounts and destinations will all be posted on This is how you can help hurricane victims while helping yourself get prepared. Stock up on everything you need during this 48-hour fundraiser at
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Hurricane Harvey Victim Relief Fundraiser announced at Health Ranger Store was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

 8 Empowering Life Lessons I Wish Every Woman Knew

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 8 Empowering Life Lessons I Wish Every Woman Knew
After years of struggling with depression, eating disorders, and addiction, these epiphanies helped me learn to love myself.

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 8 Empowering Life Lessons I Wish Every Woman Knew was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

High-tech electronics made from autumn leaves

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High-tech electronics made from autumn leaves
Northern China's roadsides are peppered with deciduous phoenix trees, producing an abundance of fallen leaves in autumn. These leaves are generally burned in the colder season, exacerbating the country's air pollution problem. Investigators in Shandong, China, recently discovered a new method to convert this organic waste matter into a porous carbon material that can be used to produce high-tech electronics.
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High-tech electronics made from autumn leaves was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Apple Pie Sugar Scrub Recipe

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

I’ve got another wonderful sugar scrub recipe for you: this one is an Apple Pie Sugar Scrub recipe. We are blessed to have an orchard with several types of apples.  We have apples for eating, apples for pies, and apples for sauces.  There’s nothing quite like walking to my front yard to grab an apple...

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Apple Pie Sugar Scrub Recipe was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

These TWO breakthroughs could WIPE OUT Bitcoin

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These TWO breakthroughs could WIPE OUT Bitcoin
There are two new risks that could wipe out Bitcoin almost instantly. The Health Ranger explains what they are. Learn more at or
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These TWO breakthroughs could WIPE OUT Bitcoin was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

This small fruit helps protect against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes!

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This small fruit helps protect against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes!
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This small fruit helps protect against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes! was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

SCIENCE is dominated by BULLYING and tribalism

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SCIENCE is dominated by BULLYING and tribalism
The Health Ranger explains why "science" is run by bullies, tribalists and cultists who use tactics of intimidation, oppression and censorship to maintain their "intellectual monopolies" rooted in false dogmas. Stay informed at and
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SCIENCE is dominated by BULLYING and tribalism was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Today's Leftists: Intolerant, racist BIGOTS

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Ever notice how today's extreme liberals have become EVERYTHING they claim to oppose? In this podcast, the Health Ranger reveals how Leftists are now the most intolerant, racist, bigoted bullies on the planet. Stay informed at and
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Today's Leftists: Intolerant, racist BIGOTS was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Why You Should Always Turn on the Air Vent Above You During a Flight

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Why You Should Always Turn on the Air Vent Above You During a Flight
Think turning on your air vent during a flight might get you sick? Think again.

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Why You Should Always Turn on the Air Vent Above You During a Flight was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Monday, August 28, 2017

Environmentalists don't realize they're in a CULT!

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Environmentalists don
Plant life conservationist and published scientist the Health Ranger explains why liberal environmentalists have become irrational CULTISTS. Learn more at and
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Environmentalists don't realize they're in a CULT! was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Bitcoin is worth ZERO after an EMP attack or solar flare

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Bitcoin is worth ZERO after an EMP attack or solar flare
The Health Ranger explains why Bitcoin goes to ZERO after an EMP attack or solar flare (CME) of sufficient size that takes down the power grid. Gold and silver, on the other hand, are impervious to power grid failures. Learn more at and
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Bitcoin is worth ZERO after an EMP attack or solar flare was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Why Google CENSORSHIP will lead to bloodshed and violence

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Why Google CENSORSHIP will lead to bloodshed and violence
The Health Ranger explains why Google's extreme censorship of political speech combined with the intolerant Left's rejection of the election will likely lead America to civil war and bloodshed. That's because DEBATE and DEMOCRACY are peaceful pathways for members of society to coexist, but when Google and the radical Left take away debate while rejecting democracy, they leave the masses with little option but to defend their liberties through other means. Learn more at and
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Why Google CENSORSHIP will lead to bloodshed and violence was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

The Power Of Your Mind Affects The Ability To Heal

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Let’s look at how the power of your mind affects your healing ability and how the placebo effect relates to it. We wanted to share this recent post by Dr. Lodi right here for you on how the power of your mind affects your ability to heal. All research for science needs to have better than a 30% effect because 30% is ...
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The Power Of Your Mind Affects The Ability To Heal was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Healing Power Of The Mind

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Healing Power Of The Mind
Healing Power Of The Mind Let’s examine the healing power of the mind and see if the placebo effect has any affect. All science and the associated research on a particular subject has to have over a thirty percent effect. Reason being is that thirty percent is known as the placebo effect. It is known that thirty percent of everyone involved will improve regardless of what is given to them. Thirty percent is a very large percentage. When it is reported something was discovered to be substantially better over anything else, that means it has statistical significance above the 30% placebo marker. Let’s talk about the way healing works. Healing is inherent. Healing is the nature of nature. When you cut yourself, it heals. Again, an example of the nature of nature. It is an example of what nature is and what it does. So, what blocks nature and healing? Impediments do, they get in the way of healing. To show an example of an impediment, let’s look at a dam. It blocks water from flowing downhill. If the dam is removed, then the water will again run downhill. Humans are physical, spiritual, and phycological, where the mind tends to block us. What’s important to understand is that the body listens to our mind. Our mind has tremendous influence when it comes to healing. At An Oasis of Healing, we bring attention to the power of the mind which is the fourth pillar in our comprehensive cancer care program. A person knows their cut will heal with 100% certainty, that person needs to know they will heal from cancer. In our first three pillars of our program, we teach people to stop making cancer, then target it with no harm done to the body. And thirdly, the immune system is boosted and strengthened bringing it back to optimal functioning.
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Healing Power Of The Mind was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Top six health disorders that barely existed in America 100 years ago

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Top six health disorders that barely existed in America 100 years ago
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Top six health disorders that barely existed in America 100 years ago was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

7 Herbs for healing the thyroid naturally

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7 Herbs for healing the thyroid naturally
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7 Herbs for healing the thyroid naturally was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Galaxy 5 billion light-years away shows we live in a magnetic universe

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Galaxy 5 billion light-years away shows we live in a magnetic universe
A chance combination of a gravitational lens and polarized waves coming from a distant quasar gave astronomers the tool needed to make a measurement important to understanding the origin of magnetic fields in galaxies.
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Galaxy 5 billion light-years away shows we live in a magnetic universe was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

New ancient sea reptile found in Germany, the earliest of its kind

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New ancient sea reptile found in Germany, the earliest of its kind
A previously unrecognized 132 million-year-old fossilized sea monster from northern Germany has been identified.
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New ancient sea reptile found in Germany, the earliest of its kind was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Largest Ichthyosaurus was pregnant mother

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Largest Ichthyosaurus was pregnant mother
Scientists have discovered the largest Ichthyosaurus on record and found it was pregnant at the time of death.
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Largest Ichthyosaurus was pregnant mother was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Insulin Resistance and Weight Loss

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Insulin resistance and weight loss… How are they related? Insulin resistance is related to diabetes, a condition that keeps your body from producing or using its insulin effectively, and it can make it incredibly difficult to lose weight. A heads up before reading this article: The terms ‘diabetes‘ and ‘prediabetes‘ are discussed a lot in this

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Insulin Resistance and Weight Loss was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Hurricane Harvey PREPPER REPORT: Sh#t just got REAL

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Hurricane Harvey PREPPER REPORT: Sh#t just got REAL
News from inside Hurricane Harvey: Local towns are experiencing so much flooding that some are cutting off municipal water supplies. This is on top of the power grid outages, cell phone outages, store closures and widespread road closures that have taken place here in the last 12 hours. For the time being, everyone is on their own, with little available outside help. I've seen tweets of people pleading to be rescued as their homes flood, and those are the lucky ones who still have bandwidth access. Many people are completely cut off with no services at all: No electricity, no municipal water, no 911 response services, etc. Hurricane Harvey is a strong reminder that prepping is the best insurance you can buy.
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Hurricane Harvey PREPPER REPORT: Sh#t just got REAL was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Friday, August 25, 2017

30+ Fermented Superfood Concentrate Now Available

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30+ Fermented Superfood Concentrate Now Available
The Health Ranger explains why a fermented superfood combination is such a powerful, nutrient-dense solution for providing outstanding nutrition to almost anyone. Check out "Super 30" fermented superfood at
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30+ Fermented Superfood Concentrate Now Available was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

The 4 Pillars of ALL Political Arguments

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The 4 Pillars of ALL Political Arguments
The Health Ranger explains how ALL political arguments boil down to just 4 "pillars" of reality, all of which are widely misunderstood by nearly everyone. Learn more at and
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The 4 Pillars of ALL Political Arguments was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

The ALTERNATE REALITY of America's urban youth

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The Health Ranger conducted an anthropology experiment by observing youthful human primates who live in urban environments, discovering that the male gender has been culturally obliterated. Learn more at and
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The ALTERNATE REALITY of America's urban youth was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Microbes compete for nutrients, affect metabolism, development in mice

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Microbes compete for nutrients, affect metabolism, development in mice
If our microbiome overindulges, we might not have access to the nutrients we need. That's the suggestion from new research that shows mice that harbor high levels of microbes that eat choline are deprived of this essential nutrient.
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Microbes compete for nutrients, affect metabolism, development in mice was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Given the choice, zebrafish willingly dose themselves with opioids

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Given the choice, zebrafish willingly dose themselves with opioids
Researchers devised a system that allowed zebrafish to self-administer doses of hydrocodone, an opioid commonly prescribed to people for pain, to study drug dependency behavior.
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Given the choice, zebrafish willingly dose themselves with opioids was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

3-D scanning methods allow an inside look into fossilized feces

The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

3-D scanning methods allow an inside look into fossilized feces
Coprolites are fossilized feces that give evidence of an organism's behavior and often contain food residues, parasite remains and other fossils that provide clues to ancient paleoecological relations.
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3-D scanning methods allow an inside look into fossilized feces was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

No genetic engineering needed: Simple VINEGAR can help plants resist drought, scientists find

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No genetic engineering needed: Simple VINEGAR can help plants resist drought, scientists find
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No genetic engineering needed: Simple VINEGAR can help plants resist drought, scientists find was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Six pharmaceutical medicines that instantly make your health WORSE

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Six pharmaceutical medicines that instantly make your health WORSE
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Six pharmaceutical medicines that instantly make your health WORSE was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Drones relay RFID signals for inventory control

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Drones relay RFID signals for inventory control
Researchers have developed a system that enables small, safe, aerial drones to read RFID tags from tens of meters away while identifying the tags' locations. The system could be used in large warehouses to prevent inventory mismatches and locate individual items.
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Drones relay RFID signals for inventory control was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News

Gal Gadot Responds to Body Shamers Who Say She's Not Curvy Enough: 'What Are You Talking About Here?'

5 Times You Really, Seriously Need to Go to the ER

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5 Times You Really, Seriously Need to Go to the ER
Would you recognize a true medical emergency? Here's when you need to get help, stat.

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5 Times You Really, Seriously Need to Go to the ER was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News